How to Get Your Dog To Love His Harness – Lepeto
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How to Get Your Dog To Love His Harness

Dogs are playful, loving animals that need a lot of attention and love. However, there are many instances where the dog needs to be restrained in order for safety reasons. With the popularity of the harness, more and more dogs are wearing them. This can be frustrating for dogs, especially if they are still too young to tolerate the harness. So, how can you get a stubborn dog to love his harness? It can be difficult to train a dog to love the harness, but it is possible. Just follow these steps and you will be able to get your dog to love their harness in no time.

What is the best way to get your dogs to love their harnesses?

Most dogs have a negative association with their harness. You might have to take your dog on a walk every day, for an hour or more, before they will allow you to put it on. It may take days, weeks, or even months before your dog has the trust that the harness won't hurt them. Here are some tips for getting your dogs to love their harness.

  1. Use treats to get your dog's attention.

  2. Give your dog a massage.

  3. Put the harness on your dog when they are calm and not feeling threatened.

  4. Put the harness on your dog when they are happy and relaxed so they associate it with positive things like walks and cuddles.

  5. If all else fails, leave the harness on your dog while you go to work or leave the house, and they will associate it with being left alone.

The next step is to make sure that the harness fits properly. If it doesn't fit properly, it will likely cause the dog a lot of discomforts.

Choose a comfortable harness for your dog

When you're trying to find the right harness for your dog, it's important to consider the size of your dogs, their breed, and what type of activities you'll be doing with them. If your dog is a puller, you might want to consider a harness with a front clip. If your dog is a chewer, you might want to consider a harness with padding. If your dog is a digger, you might want to consider a harness with a built-in fence. There are also harnesses that can be used for multiple purposes like the slip lead which can be used as a regular collar and a leash.

How to put on a dog harness?

put on dog harness

  1. Measure the circumference of the dog's neck and chest.

  2. Put the harness on the dog and make sure the harness is on correctly. Make sure it is in a position so that your dog feels comfortable and breathes easily.

  3. Give your dog treats when they are wearing the harness.

How to walk your dog with the harness on?

To get your dog to love their harness, you need to make it a positive experience for them. Start by getting your dog used to the harness by just wearing it around the house. The more they get used to it, the more likely they will be to walk calmly with it on. Next, you can introduce the harness by putting it on your dog while they are laying down or while they are in an enclosed space. This will give them the chance to get used to the harness and see that it is not a scary thing. Finally, you can start to use the harness when you are out and about with your dog. This will give them the chance to get used to the harness and see that it is not a scary thing.

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