There are many signs that an attentive owner can suspect that his dog is not at his best. A drop in appetite, a lack of dynamism or a sudden aggressiveness should put him on the alert, and these are not the only signs that should alert. You should not ignore any symptoms, because in some cases they can be caused by a serious illness. It is therefore important to spot them as soon as possible in order to consult the veterinarian so that the dog can be treated as soon as possible.
Sick dog: signs to spot
The dog is depressed: he usually doesn’t want to left his bed for a few days. He does not even want to see you and even seeks solitude. It's not very reassuring.
He complains, moaning regularly: There is no doubt that the dog is in pain. If he takes a prayer position (his front lays on the ground and his back is raised), it is because he has abdominal pain. Whatever his attitude, when a dog complains, a veterinary examination must be conducted immediately to determine the exact cause.
He convulses: This may be a seizure, or it may be a sign of poisoning or poisoning. The situation is very urgent.
He has a fever or he curls into a ball and chatters: If dog’s body temperature above 39°C it is abnormal when dog’s body temperature is above 39°C or below 38°C.
His breathing smells bad: Bad breath may be a sign of periodontal disease. It is common in dogs whose teeth are severely scaled due to lack of oral hygiene. Animals must be taken care of by animal dentists. But bad breath can also be due to digestive problems.
He coughs: Coughing in dogs should never be neglected because it can be a sign of bronchitis, or even serious lung damage or heart trouble.
He has digestive disorders: These are manifested by distension, gas, vomiting, diarrhea or even recurrent constipation. Be careful if his stools are bloody: you must consult urgently.
His eyes are shiny or watery and his nose is runny: These are signs of dog disease, which will not be ignored and should be taken seriously. Whether it's conjunctivitis or allergies, he needs treatment.
His hair falls out, becomes dull or rough, breaks: Changes in the appearance and texture of hair are signs of illness in dogs. There are many reasons. It is best not to wait for an expert's diagnosis.
He keeps licking or scratching himself: Parasites (fleas, worms, etc.) may be the cause, unless it is an allergy or a skin disease.
He urinates a lot, more frequently than before, to such an extent that he sometimes does not have time to ask to go out: Many conditions can lead to increased diuresis, such as kidney disease, liver problems and diabetes. If there is blood in the urine, we need to consult the veterinarian as soon as possible.
He drinks a lot: Kidney failure and diabetes significantly increase thirst.
He struggles to move: Standing up, walking and changing posture are all actions that dogs seem to be getting harder and harder to do. For some time, we have even seen limping. Osteoarthritis, disc herniation, and dysplasia may be the causes, as well as Lyme disease (transmitted by ticks). You should consult immediately.
It is worth noting that if the dog suddenly becomes aggressive, and before that, it is as gentle as a lamb, it is also abnormal. Certain diseases affect the behavior of animals. For example, this is the case with thyroid insufficiency or deafness.
What to do if you think your dog is sick?
Among all the symptoms described above, some require an emergency consultation. But in any case, you should call the doctor's office first and get instructions as much as possible. To do this, it is necessary:
- To take the temperature. It is normal if it is between 38 and 39°C. If it is below or above, it is proof that the dog is sick.
- To check his mucous membranes. For example, the white of the eyes that turn yellow may be a sign of a liver problem.
- To check his skin in order to find parasites (fleas, louse, ticks) or wounds.
- Weigh the dog to see if he has lost weight.
- To perform a palpation of his abdomen. If the dog's stomach is hard, or it looks painful, it may be a sign of a transit problem, but it's more than that.
You should tell the vet that there is blood in the dog's feces or urine, which is not a good sign. Any symptoms that persist for more than 24 or 36 hours require consultation.
During these different treatments, it is important to reassure your dog and avoid any rough behavior, so as not to hurt it. It is also important to be careful because a suffering dog can have an unpredictable reflex, such as biting, even if it is very attached to you.
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